
Going Forward

Here's a photo from last night's reception at the gallery. As usual, we had a great crowd and artists and spectators alike seemed to enjoy themselves. 

I mentioned to the crowd last night that it's great to see our little local arts movement really picking up momentum. Between the various organizations, small group gatherings, galleries and public spaces that display art we've really got something here. The recent Seven Days article on Staart mentioned all of these places and hopefully took us one step further in establishing ourselves on the art map. 

From here, I think it's important that we all really collaborate to keep this momentum going. We can all still have our little individual goals, but by working together more it can only help all of us. St. Albans and the surrounding area has always struggled to find its identity…to figure out what to do with a changing rural landscape, shifting economics, and amidst a changing relationship with the rest of the world. Maybe we're finally finding our place…


A Funny Clip!

**Warning, there may be language inappropriate for kids (but hey, what're they doing online anyway?)**

I finally pieced together that video clip of Leon reading some material at the gallery last week. The reading in the clip is material from one of the new projects he has coming out. I think it'll appeal to the locals!

This is my first attempt at working with video, so it's crude but workable.


Leon at the Gallery

Local wordsmith Leon Thompson, who just happens to be my pal and former co-worker, graced the gallery Friday night with a one-hour reading that had the crowd in stitches. Leon already has two published volumes of his columns under his belt, titled "Good Junk" and "Dork: Another Look at My Junk" (oh Leon), and is working on several new projects including two books that are due to be published in the next year. The first is a guide to our state that combines stories that only Vermonters could tell with notes about what it is to be a Vermonter…dialect and all. The second book will include more of his columns in a compilation of New England writers. Go Leon! So Friday night he read material from both past and present projects. It was a fun night and good to see so many people out for the event! I shot a video of one of the pieces he read, so as soon as I learn how to edit it, I'll post that too.


Seven Days article is out!!

Hey! You all need to go check out the article in Seven Days about the gallery. Either grab this week's copy (on newsstands until next Tuesday) or you can read the article online here. The article talks about some of the awesome artists we have here and highlights our local art scene. Writer Amy Lilly did an excellent job! My hair looks terrible, but what's a girl to do when the Seven Days photog Matthew Thorsen rings you up and says he needs to take your photo that day! I couldn't be more thrilled not only because it's great timing for publicity for everyone, but Seven Days is a great must-read weekly publication so I'm honored.



Carol Jones just sent me some info on the release of her new CD "Out of the Blue". Carol played here at the gallery as part of a duet in December of 2007. She's got a release celebration at the Old Lantern in Charlotte on 2/28. You can listen to her music at her myspace page