
Julian Beever

I spend a lot of time looking at other artists work online and people often email me things they find interesting. The video above shows chalk artist Julian Beever at work. He creates these amazing optical illusions with chalk. After snoring through 12 plus credits of art history when I was in school (not that that's not important too) I'm always happy to find art that's engaging and interactive and unique. Here is a link to some more of his work.  I think it would be great for local artists to take one sunny day this summer and create their own chalk masterpieces (perhaps not optical illusions) all over St. Albans downtown. Anyone interested should contact me.

Julian Beever


February Updates

Reminder that we will be holding a reception for our student artists on Wednesday from 5-7 pm at the gallery.

Also as a note, I've had to cancel our figure drawing sessions due to lack of registration and I may have to do the same for the Franklin County Arts Alive show for April. The deadline for entering is this week so if you'd like to see Franklin County represented down in Burlington, you better sign up quick!

This Sunday the 24th, the St. Albans Artists Guild will be sponsoring a figure drawing class led by Chepe Cuadra from 1 - 4 pm at the gallery. Registration is $30 for non-members. If you'd like to sign up for that get in touch with me.


Makeover madness

I've been tweaking the layout and appearance of the blog, so please let me know if you experience any issues. I plan to add a few more features. The rest of the website is so close to being finished that I can almost taste it! I'll let you know when it's ready.


January Students

The BFA student artists closed another month of a quality display of artwork with a closing reception yesterday at the gallery. Emily Billings, Autumn Parry, Robert Martel and Rachael Shepardson-Rudden were our featured artists for the month. Autumn Parry is hoping to turn her creative pursuits into a career and has applied to art schools including Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) for college next year. Wish her luck!

Left, doting father Jonathan Billings photographs daughter Emily next to her painting. Above, Autumn Parry has her photo taken by a reporter from the school's newspaper The Mercury.