
John Mannion

John Wesley Mannion 

Through a broad range of approaches, John Wesley Mannion examines the relationship between the human condition and authenticity of perception. Limrick consists of beautifully decayed Polaroid imagery revealing the relationship between Limerick Power, one of the Northeast’s largest nuclear power plants, and the adjacent abandoned canal lock community known as Frick’s Locke.

Mannion is currently the Digital Imaging Manager at Light Work/Community Darkrooms in Syracuse, NY and teaches digital photography at the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University. John has an MFA in photography and has exhibited both nationally and internationally including the Everson Museum of Art, Munson Williams Proctor Museum of Art, Soundnetwork Manchester UK, and most recently the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA Upcoming exhibitions Include the Cazanovia Art Park, and the Schweinfurth Memorial Art museum in Auburn NY.

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